Saturday, July 14, 2012


I have been wanting to put my Saturdays to good use. Some Saturdays were absolutely terrible because of my low energy levels. I remember having the toughest time in June because of the headaches. I thought I was having terrible allergies. Beth, my supervisor, was so kind and went out of her way to buy me curtains. It was lovely of her and she saved the day, because after that, my headaches stopped.  I had been using an eyemask, but I guess my body was not fooled into believing the room was dark.

Some days, it is no use cycling around Anchorage. Now that I've been to Seward and Homer, Anchorage is not enough. The World Eskimo Indian Olympics is in Fairbanks from July 18-21st. If only I could somehow get there!

Let's think. Phillip Blanchett told me about the Kaladi Bros. Pamyua blend, so I supposed I could hunt that down. It appears to be limited release so only a few shops are selling it. Heck yes, I'm up for experiencing the encore of flavor. What better way to enjoy Alaska than to chillax with a hot brew inspired by an award-winning Alaska Native band? It puts Denny's rockstar menu to shame. Pamyua touches bases with fans because of the effort they put into creating and developing the blend and the bag. Blanchett said they would frequently visit with Kaladi do coffee flights of the proposed flavors. Pamyua was looking to interpret their namesake, which means "encore," and took steps to incorporate the finishing touches. Blanchett described the finished product as "medium-bodied with a nice, chocolatey finish that comes and hits you right at the end, and you say 'Mmm, that's good.'" He described himself as a "coffee-snob" and said he worked closely with graphic designers to get the bag made to their specifications, demonstrating that band promotions are also creative works of art.

That's it, I'm taking a shower and leaving! I actually feel like doing the downtown market today. Shopping sounds like an excellent idea. There is a Kaladi Bros. there (although I heard they don't carry "Pamyua." Yes, I asked around). I hope to ride to Earthquake Park again by bike before I leave Anchorage for home. Why do I feel like I haven't gone out in ages? I was at the park last week having fun at the beach. Wow, the work week sure slowed time down!

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